Dynamic Spam Detection in Social Networks: Leveraging Convex Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Enhanced Accuracy and Scalability

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M. Sri Lakshmi
Anupa Samitha Rani
Tadikamalla Sri Divya


As digital communication on social networks expands globally, these platforms increasingly suffer from spam, which not only undermines user experience but also poses significant security risks. Traditional spam detection systems, primarily based on rule-based algorithms, frequently struggle with high false positive rates and fail to adapt to the sophisticated and evolving tactics of spammers. This study introduces a novel spam detection framework employing Convex Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (CNMF), which enhances detection accuracy by maintaining non-negativity constraints that improve the interpretability of data patterns and ensure robustness against noise and evolving threats. Utilizing a comprehensive dataset from prominent social networks like Twitter and Facebook, which includes various user interaction metrics, our approach was rigorously benchmarked against conventional methods such as SVM, Random Forest, and CNN. The CNMF model demonstrated superior performance, achieving an accuracy of 93.8%, precision of 91.2%, recall of 95.6%, and an F1-score of 93.3%. These results highlight the model’s effectiveness in accurately identifying spam with significant reductions in false positives, offering a scalable solution suitable for real-time applications. The successful implementation of CNMF not only sets a new benchmark in spam detection technologies but also suggests broader implications for enhancing network security and reducing operational costs for social media platforms. This research contributes to the cybersecurity field by providing a dynamic and precise tool for spam detection, encouraging further exploration and development in combating digital threats.

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How to Cite
M. Sri Lakshmi, Anupa Samitha Rani, Tadikamalla Sri Divya, and J.Shravani, “Dynamic Spam Detection in Social Networks: Leveraging Convex Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Enhanced Accuracy and Scalability”, Int. J. Comput. Eng. Res. Trends, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 1–11, Apr. 2024.
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