** Special Announcement: APC Waiver**

Exciting news for our contributors: We have waived all article processing charges (APCs) until the end of June 2024! This waiver means authors can submit their work without any fee, and we will publish accepted articles in IJCERT at no cost. From July 2024 onwards, a nominal Article Processing charge will be introduced as below.

For Indian Authors: 5,000 INR

For Foreign Authors from low- and Middle-Income Countries: 50 USD

For Foreign Authors from High-Income Countries: 100 USD

 This charge will be detailed in the acceptance notification, along with a convenient payment link.


APC Payment Process

Once your manuscript is accepted for publication, we will issue an invoice with the details of the applicable APC. We value your contribution to open-access publishing, which plays a crucial role in advancing global research and knowledge dissemination. Your support is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to working together to share valuable insights and discoveries with the wider academic community.

Note on Country Classification and APC Waivers

*Please be aware that our classification of low-income countries aligns with the World Bank's criteria. For more information, you can refer to the World Bank's guidelines here.

APC Waivers and Discounts

Recognizing the diverse financial backgrounds of our authors and the constraints faced, particularly in developing regions, we are committed to promoting inclusivity. We offer waivers and discounts of up to 25% on Article Processing Charges (APCs) for authors from low-income countries and those affiliated with certain organizations. For more information about these opportunities and eligibility criteria, please feel free to contact us.  write an email to : publisher@ijcert.org